
2017-07-10 14:30





  1) “未来每个人都有机会成名15分钟。” — 艺术家安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)

  “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for fifteen minutes.” — Andy Warhol, artist

  大家可能都熟悉一个英语词组“fifteen minutes of fame(意为[因新闻媒体报道]大出风头、短暂出名)”,而这一词组就是从安迪·沃霍尔的名言简化而来的。安迪·沃霍尔是20世纪艺术界的先锋人物,在1968年的一次画展策划上首次说这句话。


  喜剧演员柏·伯纳姆(Bo Burnham)就是网络成名的典型例子。2006年,还在上高中的他在YouTube上传了两首原创的搞笑歌曲,立刻火了起来,柏·伯纳姆本人都没料到自己的喜剧生涯从此开始。严谨的工作态度、新颖的喜剧内容(他的幽默有别于那些传统“安全”的幽默点)以及独特的舞台人格魅力使他这“15分钟”风头延长至十年多。

  Almost everyone is familiar with the more distilled version of this quote: the expression fifteen minutes of fame. The original quote is credited to the pioneering 20th-century artist Andy Warhol, who included it in the program for a 1968 exhibition.

  In this age of Youtube stars and live streaming, the idea of everyone's fifteen minutes of fame is truer than ever. Today's Americans, especially (but not limited to) teenagers and younger adults, exist in a constant state of media consumption, and countless people have embraced this new trend in their respective quests for a moment or two the limelight. While this is not to say that the same thing is not happening in other places around the world, the United States is particularly unique for the way that creators of viral Internet content have leveraged their newfound fame into actual careers. This is just one example of the entrepreneurial spirit that runs through much of the country's history.

  The comedian Bo Burnham is just one example of this trend. In 2006, when he was still attending high school, he uploaded two original comedy songs to YouTube. They became a hit essentially overnight, and Burnham found himself at the beginning of an unexpectedly successful comedy career. Through a combination of a rigorous work ethic, challenging comedic content (his humor generally steers clear of safer targets), and an awkwardly charismatic on-stage persona, Burnham has turned his fifteen minutes into a decade.

    2) “你在跟我说话吗?” — 出自1976年电影《出租车司机》

  “You talkin' to me?” — from the 1976 film Taxi Driver


  这句频繁被引用的话出自美国最著名的电影之一——《出租车司机》。影片讲述了患有严重失眠症的孤独退伍老兵特拉维斯·比克尔(Travis Bickle)开夜班出租车的故事,纽约这座城市让他感到迷茫、愤怒。他对着镜子说的这句台词透彻地体现出美国的流行文化。


  值得注意的是,这句台词是特拉维斯·比克尔的扮演者罗伯特·德尼罗(Robert De Niro)即兴发挥创作的。原剧本上只写着“特拉维斯对着镜子说话”。

  A mere four words, this one line is even more famous than the film that spawned it.

  Frequently cited as one of the greatest films of all time, the movie Taxi Driver follows Travis Bickle, a lonely war veteran who works nights as a taxi driver in an attempt to cope with his chronic insomnia. Much of the film revolves around the alienation and rage that Bickle feels at his surroundings of New York City. However, it is this one line of dialogue, which Bickle says to his mirror (as seen in the above still), that seems to have resonated most with American pop culture.

  When Bickle says this line, he is alone in his room, trying to imagine himself in a confrontation with a stranger. This scene still stands as a stark contrast to, and perhaps a commentary on the countless tough-guy characters who have always populated America cinema (from early 20th-century Westerns to even recent films like The Expendables). When Bickle addresses his mirrorYou talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? he is trying to emulate the kind of bravado we all associate with American cinema. However, it instead comes across more as an effort to make contact with someone else. Considering how many Americans rely on social media and other means to project a wittier and more confident version of themselves, this scene feels even more poignant now.

    3) “我醒来就是这样完美无瑕。” — 碧昂斯(Beyonce)

  “I woke up like this” — Beyonce


  2013年,碧昂斯发布了名为《碧昂斯》的专辑,开启了这一趋势。专辑里一首名为《完美无瑕》的歌词尽显女性主义光芒,其中有一句是“我们完美无暇,女士们,告诉他们,我醒来就是这样完美无瑕。”时间跳到20148月,演员、作家莉娜·丹恩(Lena Dunham)Instagram上发了一张让人不敢恭维的照片,估计是她刚起床时照的,图的配文是:“这不正是碧昂斯歌词所唱的吗?(其实昨晚什么都没喝,这表情是纯自然的)

  丹恩可不是唯一一个在社交媒体上发自己起床照片的人,也不是第一个。碧昂斯发行同名专辑的那天Tumblr网站用户创建了 iwokeuplikethisflawless(我醒来就是这样完美无瑕)专题,用户可以在里面上传自己刚起床时的自拍。直到今天,Instagram#iwokeuplikethis专题还是很火。这一流行趋势体现了人物(尤其是女性)形象在美国社会中的作用,也体现了人们想要打破主流媒体和文化塑造的固定形象。

  Hollywood films and American pop music beat their audiences over the heads with specific standards and images of feminine beauty. But what happens when women decide to fight back?

  Beyonce got the ball rolling when she released her self-titled album in 2013. It contained the song Flawless, which is filled with empowering feminist lyrics, including We flawless, ladies tell 'em / I woke up like this. Skip ahead to late August of 2014, when the actor and writer Lena Dunham published a less-than-flattering photograph on Instagram, presumably taken moments after she'd woken up. The post included the following caption: Is this what Beyonce was singing about? (Also, pretty depressing that this look isnt even fueled by one ounce of alcohol)

  Dunham was far from the only person to create a social media post with this theme. In fact, she wasn't even the first. The Tumblr blog iwokeuplikethisflawless was created the day Beyonce's album was released to showcase user-submitted selfies taken after waking up. Today, the Instagram tag #iwokeuplikethis is still a popular one. This trend illustrates the role that one's image (particularly that of women) plays in American society, and it also shows how willing people are to rebel against the standards that mainstream media and culture present them with.

    4) “我们在这里,来给我们个乐子!” — 美国涅磐乐队(Nirvana)《少年心气》(Smells Like Teen Spirit)

  “Here we are now / Entertain us” — Nirvana, Smells Like Teen Spirit

  涅磐乐队是九十年代最具影响力的乐队,对后来的流行音乐发展趋势也有一定影响。涅磐乐队风靡全球,无疑,歌手、吉他手科特·柯本(Kurt Cobain)功不可没。



    5) “妈妈常说:'人生就像是一盒巧克力,你永远不知道将尝到哪种滋味。'" — 出自1994年电影《阿甘正传》

  “My momma always said, 'Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.'" from the 1994 film Forrest Gump



  The classic film Forrest Gump is a whirlwind of 20th-century American life and history. The film's titular character takes viewers through some of the most defining American events of the last 50 years, including the Vietnam War and the opening of US relations with China. But for better or for worse, the film may be best remembered today for its wealth of endlessly quotable lines.

  I'd venture to say that there's a key reason why so many people still enjoy reciting Forrest's famous musings on the similarities between life and cacao-based confections, and it isn't just the thick Southern drawl that Tom Hanks used to deliver the line. No, I believe it's the sentiment of hope underlying the quote. The United States may be an unbelievably diverse nation, but a sense of optimism runs through the fabric of the country. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s iconic I Have a Dream speech might be one of the best articulations of this sentiment: that no matter how dire things may appear, hope looms eternal on the horizon.















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