IGCSE Geography
1- Why choose Cambridge IGCSE Geography?
Successful Cambridge IGCSE Geography candidates develop lifelong skills, including:
- An understanding of the impacts which both physical and human geography can have and the processes which affect their development;
- A sense of place and an understanding of relative location on a local, regional and global scale;
- The ability to use and understand geographical data and information;
- An understanding of how communities and cultures around the world and how they are affected and constrained by different environments.
2- Summary of Aims:
The syllabus aims are to encourage candidates to develop:
- A sense of place and an understanding of relative location on a local, regional and global scale;
- An awareness of the characteristics and distribution of a selection of contrasting physical and human environments;
- An understanding of some of the processes affecting the development of such environments;
- An understanding of the spatial effects of the ways in which people interact with each other and with their environments;
- An understanding of different communities and cultures throughout the world and an awareness of the contrasting opportunities and constraints presented by different environments.
3- Assessment and Exam Format:
All candidates must enter for three papers:
- Paper 1 - 6 Questions. There are two questions set on each of three themes and candidates will need to answer any three questions out of six This Paper weighs 45%of the total mark
- Paper 2 - Candidates answer all the questions. The paper is based on testing the interpretation and analysis of geographical information and on the application of graphical and other techniques as appropriate This Paper weighs 27.5% of the total mark.
- Paper 3 – is either a coursework (2000 words) or an alternative to coursework where candidates answer two long questions based on the three themes. This Paper weighs 27.5% of the total mark.