AS and A Level Chemistry
1- Why choose Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry?
Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry qualifications are accepted by universities and employers as proof of essential knowledge and ability.
This syllabus is designed:
- To give a thorough introduction to the study of Chemistry and scientific methods
- To develop skills and abilities that are relevant to the safe practice of science and everyday life
- To stimulate interest in, and care for, the environment.
2- Summary of Aims:
Some of the aims of a course based on this syllabus should be to:
- Provide, through well-designed studies of experimental and practical science, a worthwhile educational experience for all students, whether or not they go on to study science beyond this level and, in particular, to enable them to acquire sufficient understanding and knowledge to be suitably prepared for employment and/or further studies beyond Cambridge International A Level
- Develop abilities, skills and attitudes that are relevant to the study and practice of science such as objectivity, integrity and inventiveness
- Appreciate the use of IT in experiments and as a tool for interpreting experimental results
- Stimulate students and create a sustained interest in Chemistry so that the study of the subject is enjoyable and satisfying.
3- Assessment and Exam Format:
- Candidates for Advanced Subsidiary (AS) certification will take Papers 1, 2 and 3 (either Advanced Practical Skills 1 or Advanced Practical Skills 2) in a single examination series.
- Candidates who, having received AS certification, wish to continue their studies to the full Advanced Level qualification may carry their AS marks forward and take just Papers 4 and 5 in the examination series in which they require certification.