AS and A Level Accounting
1- Why choose Cambridge International AS and A Level Accounting?
Cambridge International AS and A Level Biology is accepted by universities and employers as proof of knowledge and understanding of biology. Successful candidates gain lifelong skills, including:
- An ability to apply accounting concepts, principles and practices;
- An understanding of the role of accounting as an information system for monitoring, problem-solving and decision making and the place of accounting in changing economic, social and technological environments;
- An ability to examine and evaluate accounting policies and practices critically and analytically;
- Improved skills of communication, analysis, interpretation and presentation of both qualitative and quantitative accounting information.
2- Summary of Aims:
Some of the aims of a course based on this syllabus should be to:
- Develop an ability to apply accounting concepts, principles and practices;
- Understand the role of accounting as an information system for monitoring, problem-solving and decision making and the place of accounting in changing economic, social and technological environments;
- Develop a critical and analytical approach to examining and evaluating accounting policies and practices;
- Develop a critical and analytical approach to examining and evaluating accounting policies and practices.
3- Assessment and Exam Format:
- Candidates for Advanced Subsidiary (AS) certification will take Papers 1 and 2;
- Candidates for Advanced Level (A Level) will need to pass Papers 1 and 2, and then take Papers 3 and 4.