2016年12月四级考试 听力部分 参考答案

2016-12-17 15:18





广州新东方 国内考试部 王晓茹


   本次听力内容难度适中,除了新闻有部分专有名词如地名: LOUSIANA和一些难理解的人名,但并没有对考试造成很大的影响,选项内容也是曾经讲解过的内容,除了C 部分passage的最后一篇稍有难度,其他部分只要考生抓住听力原文应该听的位置,结合顺序原则和试听一致原则,即可得出答案 。


News report 1:

讲述了一座十六世纪的英格兰(Scotland)城堡因受风暴影响其地基已经接近倒塌,城堡主人John Gordon被迫搬离城堡。

Q1Why did John Gordon moved out of Avoddfy castle?

原文:A 16th century castle in Scotland is close to collapsing after a land of soil washed away by flood, threatening its foundations. On Sunday, the castle of JounGorden-76 was force to move out its property after the river swept away about 67 feet of land, leaving the castle dangerously closed to the river

正确答案:C. It was dangerous to live in.


Q2. What happened in Scotland last Wednesday?.

原文:The Scottish environment protection agency has issued that more than covering regions is going to continue to clean up after storm f at the country last Wednesday.

正确答案: A storm


News report 2:


Q1What does the news report say about the south miners?

原文:Resue were underway Thursday morning for 17 miners who was stuck in elevator below ground A R S mine n NY


D. They were trapped in an underground elevator.

Q4. What did the rescue team do?

原文:Crews of manage provide heat pats and blankets to the miners so that they can keep warm during the rescue operation.


D. They sent supplies to keep the miners warm.


News report 3:


Q5.What is the US postal service planning to do?

原文:The US post office service announced today that it is considering closing about 3,700 post offices over the next year because of a falling avenue.

正确答案:C. Close some of its post offices.


Q6.What measure has been planned to save cost?

原文:Last week for example, post master JP announced plans to stop milk delivery on Saturday.

正确答案:D. Stopping mail delivery on Saturday.


Q7. He estimated that about 3000 post vest–er 500 station managers and between 500and 1000 post crews could lose their jobs.

正确答案:D. Many post office staff will lose their job.



Section B

8. [D] He will lose part of his pay.

9. [B] He is a trustworthy guy.

10.[D] She is better at handling such matters.

11.[C] He is always trying to stir up trouble.

12. [D] Reserved

13. [A] They stay quiet

14. [C] She was never invited to a colleague’s home.

15. [B] Houses provide more privacy


Section C

16. [D] They will automatically be given hiring priority.

17. [C] Visit the school careers service.

18. [B] Supervising study spaces to ensure a quiet atmosphere.

19. [C] It may be sold at a higher price.

20. [A] It is healthier than green tee.

21. [D] It does not have a stable market.

22. [B] They prefer unique objects of high quality.

23. [B] They could only try to create at night.

24. [A] Make wise choices.

25. [A] To boost the local economy.












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