
2017-02-17 13:40







Task 1:

1.Which of the following classes would you be more interested in taking: world economics, environmental science, or art history.

2.Research shows that people are supposed to sleep for at least 8 hours a day, but as a matter of fact, some people sleep for only 6.5hours. What do you think is the impact of sleeping to people's lives? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer.

3.Which of the following study methods do you think is the most productive? Having discussions with friends, reading textbooks, or writing reports.

4.Is it a good idea for university to ask a student to leave school if he/she was caught cheating in exams? Explain your response in details.

5.A lot of experienced and inexperienced climbers attempt to climb Mount Everest every year, which one of the following adjectives would you use to describe this experience? Adventurous, frightening or foolish?

6.Describe a common mistake that experienced teachers often make. Explain your answer in details.

7.Which of the following do you think is the best way to get to know a new school, joining a one-day campus tour, spending a weekend on the campus play field or auditing lectures?

8.Which of the following periods in life do you think is the hardest, being a kid, a teenager or an adult?

9.Your friend is going to a new school to study, what suggestion would you give him to help him blend in.

10.Describe a popular website in your country. Explain what people use it for and why it is popular.

Task 2:

1.  Agree or disagree:children are leading much easier lives than adults.

2. Some people think it's better to take classes in the daytime and have a part-time job in the evening, some people prefer to have a part-time job in the daytime and take classes in the evening. Which do you think is better? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer.

3.Do you agree or disagree with the statement that people should dress following fashion trends?

4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University education is more important than it was in the past.

5.Some people believe technology has brought people closer and others believe that technology has actually distanced people, which one do you agree with? Explain why.

6.Which did you prefer when you were a child, playing indoors or outdoors?

7.If you were given an empty piece of land, would you rather using it to build a garden or a playground for children?

8.Some people prefer to live in the present, others prefer to be prepared for the future and plan ahead. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

9. Do you think scientists should be required to study certain fields or to study whatever that interests them?

10.agree or disagree: having group discussion in class is good for study.


1.Students should spend a year to travel or to work before they go to college.

2.Some people think it is the best approach for students to learn if schools start a day at an early time. But others think the school starts the day at late time. Which one do you prefer?

3.Children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smart phones, video games for fun and entertainment. Playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for children’s development.

4.The main role of a university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.

5.Workers would be happier if they are doing different types of tasks during their workday than doing the same task.

6.The best leader should spend more time listening to other people’s ideas than talk his own ideas.

7.Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships.

8.It is important to know what is happening around the world, even if it does not affect your personal lives.

9.Only movies that can teach us something about real life is worth watching

10.It is often not a good idea to move to a new city or a new coutnry because you will lose old friends.















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