2016-07-14 14:16
摘要:新东方广州学校隶属于北京新东方教育科技(集团)有限公司, 22年专注教育培训,校区遍布广州各区,课程涵盖出国留学、英语学习、考研辅导、中学辅导、小学辅导、小语种等,是一所综合性教育培训学校。所有课程均可网报,更多优惠可咨询电话:400-020-9198 众所周知,GRE填空分为Text Completion和Sentence Equivalence两大类题型。2014年暑期,ETS官方发布了Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions一书,国内中译版翻译为《新GRE语文官方指南》。这是截止目前,ETS官方推出的最新的对于Verbal Reasoning部分的解读文件。书中ETS简要地指出了GRE填空的题型分布,做题建议与注意事项,为大家指明了复习的方向。然而书中有些信息比较含糊,与2015年实际考试题目有些许出入。所以今天为大家全面解读的是RE填空的官方文件。今日先聊聊有关Text Completion的内容。 Skilled readers do not simply absorb the information presented on the page; instead, they maintain a constant attitude of interpretation and evaluation, rea- soning from what they have read so far to create a picture of the whole and revising that picture as they go. Text Completion questions test this ability by omitting crucial words from short passages and asking the test taker to use the remaining information in the passage as a basis for selecting words or short phrases to the blanks and create a coherent, meaningful whole.(出色的考生并不只是吸收字面信息;相反,他们始终保持着阐述和评估的态度,对于已阅读的内容展开推理,形成一幅整体画面,并且在阅读过程中新获得信息不断修正这幅画面。Text Completion 通过遗漏较短篇章中的关键词来考查考生的这种能力,它要求考生根据篇章中的现有信息选择合适的单词或者短语填入空格,从而形成一个连贯的,有意义的整体。) 这段话说白了就是要求我们必须建立在理解整体句意的基础之上来做题,边读边完善自己的逻辑线索,去推测作者想要表达的主旨,而不能片面的忽略语境,仅根据单独一句话,就盲目下结论。比如说下面这个题目: It is refreshing to read a book about our planet by an author who does not allow facts to be (i)______ by politics: well aware of the political disputes about the effects of human activities on climate and biodiversity, this author does not permit them to (ii)______ his comprehensive description of what we know about our biosphere. He emphasizes the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations, and the (iii)______, calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood before we can accurately diagnose the condition of our planet. 我们在读题的时候仅读到第一空格附近是根本无法得知作者想要表达什么,仅仅知道an author不允许“facts”被“politics”给怎么样。所以就继续往后面看,边读遍完善我们的逻辑线索,我们发现第二空格在说this author不允许“them”(即“political disputes)去怎么样他的全面描述。二空所在这句话是对第一空格的解释,一二空格紧密相关。继续往后面读,作者的态度就出来即“calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood”,从中确定了作者对于“comprehensive description of what we know about our biosphere”是持有正面的态度,所以一二空格就迎刃而解了,那么他就不允许别人去“破坏”这个“全面描述”。所以所以一二空格我们可以选择AE两个选项。还需要强调一点,原句中官方提及了一个概念“crucial words”,在实际做题过程中,我们发现“crucial words”以动词,形容词,抽象名词居多。所以在背诵单词的时候这么一类词语要尤为注意。ETS对于Text Completion题型结构的描述 ● Passage composed of one to five sentences ● Three answer choices per blank (five answer choices in the case of a single blank) ● The answer choices for different blanks function independently; that is, selecting one answer choice for one blank does not affect what answer choices you can select for another blank ● Single correct answer, consisting of one choice for each blank; no credit for partially correct answers ● 每个空格有3个选项(如果只有1个空格,则有5个选项)● 每个空格的选项是独立发挥作用的;也就是说,一个空格的选项选择不影响另一个空格的选项选择● 每个空格只有一个正确选项;全部空格选出正确选项才得分,部分正确不得分 上述官方说明涵盖了我们常见题型即单空题,双空题,三空题。但是需要说明的是第四条,官方说“每个空格的选项是独立发挥作用的;也就是说,一个空格的选项选择不影响另一个空格的选项选择”,这句话在2015年看来已经有些与事实不符,现在实际做题环节中会出现很多的“双空联动题”,一个空格填入的概念直接影响到了另外一个空格的判断。举个例子来说: While people complain about their hectic lives and demanding schedules, one might be justified in suspecting that they are being somewhat (i) _____: compulsive busyness seems to be, for many, a source of (ii) ______. A. disingenuous D. pride B. guarded E. despair C. dilatory F. irritation 这个题目当中,很明显,第一空格所填入的概念,直接关系到第二空格的内容。这一类题在2015年的考试当中非常常见。所以我们不必迷信官方内容,时代在变,题型也在变要顺应变化。
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