2017-11-27 18:03
根据目前已知的2017年托福独立写作考题来看,除了一如既往的新旧题目交替出现,还有两个比较明显的趋势:1. 三选一题目比重越来越大
2. 新题目的信息量明显增加
Part 1 – 三选一如何构思
5 -10岁的儿童最应该拥有以下哪一种品质,为什么?(2017/5/13)
a. 诚实守信
b. 乐于助人
c. 井井有条
a. 要求父母监视他们的孩子,并确认他们的孩子没有作弊
b. 增加对作弊的惩罚或惩罚
c. 要求教师布置学生难以作弊的作业
很多成年人认为,现今儿童(5 -10岁)的行为和过去相比更糟糕了。父母应该采取什么行动可以对儿童有最积极的影响,帮助他们表现得更好,如尊重和善待他人?(2017/10/15)
a. 限制孩子观看的电视节目和电影类型
b. 花更多的时间与孩子交谈
c. 在孩子们和朋友玩的时候监督和监视他们
a. 立即打断并纠正错误
b. 等到下课或会议结束后,人们离开,然后才和老师或会议发言人交谈
c. 不发表意见
It is my firm conviction that we had better wait until the class or meeting is over and the people are gone, and then talk to the teacher or meeting leader to correct the speaker’s mistakes.
Reasons for this abound, but the number-one factor is that this behavior can save speaker the intense embarrassment of facing the hostile remarks. In fact, to talk to the speaker in private indicates our politeness which can prevent a serious confrontation between us and the speaker. Conceivably, no one would feel comfortable admitting the mistake he made in public, so a fairly gentle reminder can break down social barriers between each other and make it possible for the speaker to rectify his mistakes later. Another upside is that we are also in a position to create a favorable impression not only on the speaker but on the rest of listeners.
1. the number-one factor 首要因素
2. save sb. the intense embarrassment of 帮助某人避免尴尬
3. prevent a serious confrontation 避免严重对峙
4. break down social barriers 打破社交沟通的障碍
By contrast, if we point out the very mistake in public face to face, the sudden revelations may prove embarrassing to the lecturer, which puts him or her on the tough spot. The worst-case scenario would be that our behavior sets off a chain reaction that slows down the pace of the class or disturbs the meeting audience as a whole. Thus, as the critic, we are likely to be scorned by our partners or participants, further becoming the lightning rod for unnecessary criticism. Needless to say, under this circumstance both the speaker and other listeners expect socially acceptable behaviors, instead of the disruptive ones. Apparently, our arbitrary decision to directly point out mistakes will probably backfire badly.
1. prove embarrassing to 对……确实尴尬
2. put sb. on the tough spot 让某人难堪
3. set off a chain reaction 引发连锁反应
4. slow down the pace of the class 降低课堂节奏
5. become the lightning rod for criticism 成为众矢之的;惹来批评
6. socially acceptable behavior 合群的行为
7. arbitrary decision 武断的决定
8. backfire badly 自食其果
When it comes to the third option, should we refuse to say anything, other students were to be led astray by the teacher and this type of misunderstanding will exert negative influence on them and have dire consequences for their thinking. What is worse, ignorance and indifference would discourage those fault-finders from speaking their mind or challenging the authority. They would therefore miss out on a golden opportunity to champion the truth and grow into an honest, upright individual in the society whereintegrity is in short supply.
1. be led astray by sb. 被某人误导
2. exert negative influence on 产生不良影响
3. ignorance and indifference 无知和冷漠
4. challenge the authority 挑战权威
5. miss out on a golden opportunity 错失良机
6. in short supply 短缺
In a nutshell, I still believe that having a private conversation with the speaker later is the best strategy, for it effectively helps avoiding awkwardness and confrontation, while in the meanwhile offering the possibility of eliminating the mistakes.
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