2017-11-16 15:26
parents give their children weekly money to buy whatever they want. Some people think this can cause bad habits an ideas about money in children. Others think the opposite. What's your opinion?
older teenagers(16-19) should be allowed to take paid part-time jobs or not.
1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students do reading by their own personality is as important as, or more important than reading assigned by teachers.
2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for a university to have advanced facilities rather than hire more famous teachers.
3.Which is better for children's education: 9-month study and 3-month break or 11-month study and 1-month break?
4.Children should spend most of the time playing and studying, and they should not be required to do household chores, like cooking or cleaning.
5.High school students should take at least a year off to work or travel before they begin to study in university.
11月11日Task 2考题:Some managers tend to check worker’s task closely or frequently; while others tend to check them rarely or causally. Which is better for the management?
11月11日考题预测Task 2的第6题:Do you think the boss should supervise his employee when they are working, or give his employee more freedom in work?
Task 1
1. Your local community center wants to add some new workshops or programs for children. Which of the following do you think would be the most beneficial for children’s development?
A. Art craft workshop
B. Technology workshop
C. Athletic programs
2. Which one of the following should a city invest?
1) transportation
2) park
3) school
3. Describe a news article or a story that you are interested in recently. And explain why you think it was interesting. Please include reasons and details in your response.
4. Your friend is having a very difficult math class next semester. What advice would you give him?
5. Your friend has a bad eating habit. What suggestions would you like to give this friend?
6. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of children playing computer games.
Task 2
1.Some managers tend to check worker’s task closely or frequently; while others tend to check them rarely or causally. Which is better for the management?
2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students benefit more from classes with a large number of students than they do from smaller classes. Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.
3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools need to encourage students to be more creative and use imagination to be a successful person.
4.Many universities now offer academic courses over the Internet. However, some people still prefer learning in traditional classrooms. Which do you think is better? Explain why.
5.Do you think the government should spend funding to save the animals on the verge of extinction, or should the money come from private sources?
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