摘要:广州新东方学校 22年专注教育培训,校区遍布广州各区,课程涵盖出国留学、英语学习、考研辅导、中学辅导、小学辅导、小语种等,是一所综合性教育培训学校。所有课程均可网报,更多优惠可咨询电话:400-020-9198 英语习语,遍布美国电视剧、电影、日常对话、新闻报道等各类场合。不懂点英语习语,别人在一旁哈哈哈的时候,你就只能!!!为了便于大家学习,小编特意从托福官方扒了这30个英语常用习语,包管看一遍就记住!中文意思:是想方设法让别人夸奖自己。这个习语通常用于进行时。英文释义:to try to make someone praise you, often by criticizing yourself to them (usually in continuous tenses) e.g. Emma, you know you don't look fat in that dress. Are you fishing for compliments?英文释义:to try very hard not to upset someone or somethinge.g.Everyone at the company was walking on eggshells until we heard that no one would be fired.好有喜感,和我国的俗语:男人靠得住,猪都会上树!有异曲同工之妙。这个习语通常用来描述你觉得肯定不会发生的事情。—Do you think that she will start to like eating broccoli?
e.g.Some US researchers have been looking at novel ways to increase the level of activity among those with "couch potato" lifestyles. 这个习语意思是某人有很大的责任要承担或有很多工作也完成。e.g.I have a lot on my plate today, can we meet tomorrow?e.g. We are preparing for a surprise party to welcome new colleagues, please don't spill the beans!英版傻狍子。意思是你非常惊讶,瞬间冻结住不能移动或思考。意味着成为一种做事非常有决心并会常常克服各种困难成功的人。eg: He let the cat out of the bag when he told her about her surprise party.注意不是热成狗,累成狗,狗带……人家是:病成狗!意思是病得很厉害。eg:This year I'm getting a flu shot, because last year I was sick as a dog。eg:It was an opportunity that comes once in a blue moon. put yourself in someone else's shoesTo imagine oneself in the situation or circumstances of another person, so as to understand or empathize with his or her perspective, opinion, or point of view.其实中文意思就四个字“设身处地”。eg: “Mrs. Smith definitely has a green thumb. Her garden is the most beautiful one on the street.”eg: "A donation of $10 is a drop in the bucket for some people, but for others it makes all the difference."eg:Hopefully, the weather stays nice so that I can go to my picnic tomorrow. Knock on wood.
这个习语其实我们肯定也见过,比如NBC一剧Superstore里的店名就叫cloud 9,还有游戏领域有个很有名的北美战队叫cloud 9。这个习语是表达一种兴奋的状态,感觉非常高兴/幸福就像漂浮在空中。eg:“I love skiing so much that I'm always ready to hit the slopes at the drop of a hat!” tree is known by its fruit例句:The politician may say she believes in more spending on child care, but the tree is known by its fruit; she hasn't voted for a single measure that would help.
chicken在英语中常常用来形容一个人没有勇气,那么chicken out就是中途害怕退缩的意思。它经常用来描述一个直到关键时刻才透露的优势或资源。eg:" Her ace in the hole would be her singing talent if all other attempts failed. "
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