2019-02-21 16:00
☝️第一步:读阅读文章后面的prompt,了解全文中心(FYI:作者性别也在这里出现)/ 阅读文章前的作者背景 + 预测针对读者与阅读全文内容
官方指南(第一版)P178中明确指出:Your discussion should focus on what the author does, why he or she does it, and what effect this is likely to have on readers. 那么如果我们有预测文章针对读者的各种心态的话,在之后分析就可以写清楚why the author does it. 比如,在Let There Be Dark 这篇文章中,全文中心是“We should protect the natural darkness.” 那么在这个话题下,他想说服的读者存在什么心态呢?比如,有些读者并不知道黑暗的意义和价值所以不觉得需要保护黑暗,或者说,他们并不清楚黑暗与自身利益或者周边生存环境能存在什么重要性关系。
有的读者可能并不了解现在的夜晚中的光污染有多么严重所以不以为意。所以,在文章第一段,作者写自己小时候的个人经历和现在小孩看不到黑暗的现状的对比,就是考虑到了有些读者并不明白当下光污染有多严重而不以为意,而这个观察,就能帮助我们回答why the auhtor does it这个问题。如果考生在正式阅读文章前,对该话题下的针对读者的心态和具体想法能预测合理、具体,那么在之后看到阅读文本时,能很快反应过来这段话是针对怎样想法的读者来展开议论的,很好地回答出作者的创作意图,而非人云亦云千品一律说成to further convince readers 或者 to further reinforce the power of the author’s argument 这种模套语言。
通常,议论文包含非常基本的三个板块,分别是:现状描述、利弊问题、以及怎么做。在这之外,可能会谈及令人担忧的现状产生的成因,或者文尾会有一些措辞来进行情感呼吁。预测全文内容,会帮助我们对即将读到的阅读文章的层次进行一个准确判断,从而在之后写作中,优先挑选重点层次(现状、利弊、怎么做)中,出现的evidence, reasoning or stylistic elements。这样,就能帮我们成功挑到官方指南中一直强调的“matters related to the art or craft of writing”去解释“how the author uses particular techniques and elements to make his or her writing more convincing, persuasive, and powerful.”
☝️第二步:分段阅读:读清楚具体的段落中心意思 + 识别作者采用的论证手法
1,区分论点、论据,并且论点、论据进行双向验证(“论点”啥意思?看对应论据什么意思;反之,“论据”在说什么,看对应论点什么意思)不要仅凭单词就去主观臆测段落中心意思。比如在Why Literature Matters 这篇文章中,有这么一段:
5 The decline in reading has consequences that go beyond literature. The significance of reading has become a persistent theme in the business world. The February issue of Wired magazine, for example, sketches a new set of mental skills and habits proper to the 21st century, aptitudes decidedly literary in character: not “linear, logical, analytical talents,” author Daniel Pink states, but “the ability to create artistic and emotional beauty, to detect patterns and opportunities, to craft a satisfying narrative.” When asked what kind of talents they like to see in management positions, business leaders consistently set imagination, creativity, and higher-order thinking at the top.
从中不难看出,“The significance of reading has become a persistent theme in the business world.”是本段论点,后面是例证支持。但是这个论点句本身的意思并不具体明确,只说了阅读对商业重要,并没说清楚重要在什么方面。所以,这种情况下我们需要读后面的例子,才会发现,其实作者想说的“不阅读让商界找不到合适的管理人才,因而会影响到商业的发展,进而影响了社会经济。”理解到这个层面,才能此段为何支持了作者全文中心“The decline of reading in America will have a negative effect on society.” 写清楚这些背后意思,才能体现出考生敏锐的阅读理解能力。
2. 论据与论点出现逻辑沟 (论据不能直接支持论点时),记得理解论据为何支持了论点(此处可以加入自己常识),呈现自己对于阅读的understanding。比如在People-oriented Cities: Mixed-use development creates social and economic benefits.文章中,有这么一段:
5 These sprawling cities are increasingly common in developing nations. For example, Mexico’s history of dispersion created thousands of single-family houses on the outskirts of cities. The sheer distance to everyday destinations means some families spend 25% of their income on transport. This type of design increased Mexico City’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by up to 70% and costs USD 2.5 billion (33 billion pesos) each year in lost economic productivity.
同样,在此段,首句是论点,后面是例证,但是会发现在后面论据中,作者没有列举全球典型采用sprawling cities 发展模式的发展中国家,例子中在说一个典型发展中国家墨西哥由于采用了sprawling cities的发展模式,居民日常交通成本占比高,而且环境污染、经济损失严重,这并没有直接支持前面论点。此时,要理解为何论据支持了论点。作者其实想说,由于sprawling cities的发展模式造成了巨大的给个人交通开支和社会环境、经济上的损害,那么本来经济脆弱、环境污染严重的发展中国家越来越多采用这种模式的话,这些国家的未来更令人堪忧,而且可能影响全球的环境保护进程,所以此时发展新模式 mixed-use development非常的迫在眉睫。
3. 若单段中有多个论点,思考论点间逻辑关系,挑逻辑重心的论点即段落中心。同样在People-oriented Cities: Mixed-use development creates social and economic benefits.中,有以下一段:
4 The proliferation of zoning at the beginning of the 20th century contributed to sprawling cities around the world. Residential neighborhoods sprouted on the urban periphery and in suburbs, giving rise to car-dependent commuter towns. City centers languished, shopping malls replaced commercial streets, and the urban poor were segregated from the wealthy elite.
本段中,句一解释了sprawling cities 产生的原因,第二句在例证支持,第三句是结果,相当于,前两句和最后一句是因果关系。通常,因果关系中,结果是作者想传达的重点,所以,本段中心是在说sprawling cities的弊端,并不是注重于在解释sprawling cities的成因。当然,其他逻辑关系比如转折、对比也要注意,因为转折后才是本段逻辑重心的内容,即真正的段落中心的地方。
二、 常见的论证方法产生的效果:
1. evidence: 引发读者某些思考;激发读者某些情绪
2. contrast: to emphasize a point; to trigger readers’ curiosity
3. situational irony: to shock/surprise reader so as to stimulate their ponderation over sth
4. concession and refutation: to erase readers’ possible questioning/doubt on sth and reassure readers sth
5. analogy/simile/metaphor: to make readers easily or vividly understand sth by connecting sth they don’t know with sth they are familiar with
1. 从个人经历 → 他人相似经历:prove the pervasiveness of sth (prove sth is not an individual case)
他人经历 → 个人经历:adopt first-hand experience to add credibility of sth
2. 引用historical facts: (emotional appeal 通常在文首、文尾)
· 回顾往日辉煌,给读者信心: make readers reminisce about the previous glory of sth and boost their confidence in … [代表:NASA最后两段;Grading college 最后两段;2016.12北美FAMILY act段6-7]
· 呈现昔日惨状,警醒读者不要重蹈覆辙:alarm readers not to repeat historic errors [代表:2017.5亚太. 诺贝尔女科学家段6]
· 有史实可依、符合历史发展趋势 [代表:Raise the minimum wage 段2]
3. 提到future trend:
· 未来美好明朗,增强读者信心
· 未来令人担忧,警醒读者,增强问题亟待解决的紧迫感
1. 挑重点写,只写会的:重点 = 谈现状、利弊、怎么做这三个文章层次中出现的主要论证手法
6. 论证手法三大类:evidence (surveys/ research/ authoritative sources/ appeal to reasoning/ appeal to emotion/ diction/ rhetorical questions/ parallelism) 考试必有contrast (concession and refutation/ irony) 考试必有 analogy (simile/ metaphor) 可能
2. 论证效果就三方向:支持了什么分论点?读者因而有怎样的情绪?读者因而有怎样的思考?(有时间都解读,没时间后两者择一即可,重点是,效果的呈现能有利于读者认可全文中心)
3. 论证效果的解读一定要具体~具体~具体~ (不能泛泛而谈appeal to readers’ emotion/ make readers understand the significance of the topic 之类,而应清楚说明:基于所引用文段的细节,读者为何会出现某种具体的思考或者某种具体的情绪,因而会去认同全文中心)
4. 分析中可以diss作者在论证上做得不够到位的地方,比如数据、事实缺乏权威出处、或者所说内容比较个人化、主观化,缺少可信度,又或者说得太东西太理想主义了。但,注意两点,1,指出作者在论证中的不足,要放在分析好他做得好的地方之后,并且篇幅不需要多。(官方指南:It’s okay to fault the author in this sense, but be sure to make clear what you think the author’s intent probably was.)2, 指出作者具体的不足之处后,要记得提出对应的解决方案。 Still, keep your corresponding solutions concise yet effective.
5. 读句子注意把握句子主干和句间逻辑,并且看懂指代(包括代词、抽象名词、暗喻拟人词、定从关系代词等的指代)
6. 字数:最好500+,写满两版
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