
2015-03-11 15:32



新概念三 测试题
Please translate the following sentences into English(翻译句子):
1 旧照片是珍贵的,因为它们代表了无法回到的过去。
2 有些人认为科技让人疏离。
3 我们走的太远,找不到来时的路。
4 当所有人都怀疑我们的时候,我们是否应该继续坚持自己所相信的?
5 冬天都来,春天还远吗?

Possible answers(参考答案):
Old photos are precious because they represent the past to which we can't go back.
There is a belief that science and technology give rise to alienation among people.
We have gone so far that it is impossible to find our way back.
When everyone casts doubt on us, should we continue to stick to what we believe?
Since winter is here, is spring still far away from us?  

新概念四册 测试题
Please paraphrase the following sentences(用另一种方式表达)
1 Species of modern humans populated many parts of the world much later.

2 Large networks of ground-based radar systems help air traffic controllers keep track of aircraft and prevent midair collisions.

Possible answers(参考答案):
1 It is after a long time that human lived in most parts of the world.
2 Large radar system based on the ground can help those who control and detect aircraft prevent two air rafts from crashing.

Please translate the following sentences(翻译句子):
1 People preserve culture in the form of knowledge, such as scientific discoveries; objects, such as works of art; and traditions, such as the observance of holidays.

2 Even after Congress completes action and the fiscal year begins, the president periodically submits supplemental requests to cover emergency or high-priority funding needs that can't be postponed until the next fiscal year.

Possible answers(参考答案)
1 人们以知识的形式,如科学发现;以物体形式,如艺术作品;以传统的形式,如节日传统等来保存文化。

2 即使在国会通过预算案,一个财年开始之后,总统也可以周期性的提交补充要求以应付不能拖到下一个财政年的紧急事件或者急需的资金。






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