
2016-12-26 13:49





第一篇阅读理解,谈到关于安检。美国的安检时间增长,为什么,因为防止恐怖分子袭击,而且目前越来越多的人坐飞机,这是一个主要原因。里面很多单词,如tolerate, anticipate, 都是之前试题中出现过的。第21题是例证题,直接看第二段第一句话即可得出A这个正确答案,不过考生如果看到最后两段,也能得出该答案。看来英语一每道细节题的整体感全局感,仍然很强。还有很多选项中都含有常见的“妖气词”,如22题的A与B,24题的B,选项里都含有非主题的专有名词,或者含连字符的词(carry-on, TSA, wrongly-directed)。

第二篇阅读理解,讲夏威夷和天文学话题,夏威夷文化中存在着对当地文化的崇拜。同样,里面很多题型都是在历年试题中见过的,如26题是例证题,答案选A,里面有role这个易选词。但本篇文章反押题很明显,如28题,29题的A项,C项有may这个老牌易选词,但没有选。课堂上的同学知道最新的必须是否定词加上may,才容易选。第29题是个总结型同义替换,选A,fulfill the dreams是原文who we are, where we come from and where we are going的总结表述。所以,虽然本篇文章的题材大家不是很熟,但题目难度不大。

第三篇阅读理解,讲的是英国脱欧与GDP问题,原本很多同学认为第三篇应该很难了,但其实也并不难。第31题还是个例证题,选C,你们看看,里面是不是还有个role? 这个词出现,一定是正确答案!但是同学们对下面几道题可能不太轻松。不过第33题,选D, 这个直接在原文可以看到一个总结的说法,特别是最后一句的rounded assessment. 这个就等于答案的enlightening了。还有,文中出现了Brexit这个单词,很多同学不熟,其实是对英国脱欧的一个戏谑的说法,即“英国退欧”。34题的B, 出现了foreshadow一词,“预示”的意思,同学们会不会想起07年第4篇最后一段的overshadow? 很像啊,但意思不一样。

第四篇阅读理解,讲了最高法院裁决的一起贪污案件。题材是传统的法律类,类似于2013年的第4篇文章,说明命题人有意在考试中突出时代感。第36题,考察原文的是一个短语,holding its nose, 捂住鼻子?人们什么时候捂住鼻子?感觉恶心的时候就会,所以选C,contemptuous of. 再比如37题,这道题选C,选项中的A与B,关于gift的都不对,因为文章第三段就被否定了。最后一题,40题,比较简单,单看最后一段,is a step forward,….就知道选D了,supportive.所以,如果同学们对13年第4篇还熟悉的话,本篇文章,难度亦不大。

就本次考试的新题型而言,是排序题。在课上笔者就跟同学们说过,新题型重点准备排序题和选择搭配题。本次难度创造历史新低,不仅是等额选项,而且各衔接段的首尾句,都体现了常见的考点,如:41题选F, 介绍生平,42题选E,关于father被释放,正好上文提到父亲进监狱。43题选A,因为上面的E最后有sketch这个词,在A的首句也有。44选C,主要看首句有after和Boaz这个两个单词,与上段重复。45题选G,看Pickwick和after即可判断。所以,这次排序题的难度,简直是逆天了!!



Passage 1

21. The crash of EgyptAir Flight 804 is mentioned to

[A] explain Americans’ tolerance of current security checks.

22. which of the following contributes to long waits at major airports?

[C] An increase in the number of travelers.

    23. The word “expedited” (Line 4,Para5) is closest in meaning to

[D] faster.

24. One problem with the PreCheck program is

[D] an unreasonable price for enrollment.

25. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

[C] Getting Stuck in Security Lines 

Passage 2

26. Queen Liliuokalani’s remark in Paragraph 1 indicates

[A] her conservative view on the historical role of astronomy.

27.Mauna Keais deemed as an ideal astronomical site due to

[B] its protective surroundings.

28. The construction of the TMT is opposed by some locals party because

[B] it reminds them of a humiliating history.

29. It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that progress in today’s astronomy

[A] is fulfilling the dreams of ancient Hawaiians.

30. The author’s attitude toward choosing Manuna Kea as the TMT site is one of

[D] full approval.

Passage 3

31、Robert F. Kennedy is cited because he

[C] misinterpreted the role of GDP

32.It can be inferred form Paragraph 2 that

[B] theUKwill contribute less to the world economy

33. Which of the following is true about the recent annual study?

[D] Its results are enlightening.

34.In the last two paragraph , the author suggest that

[C] it is essential to consider factors beyond GDP.

35.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

[A] High GDP But Inadequate Well-being, aUKLesson.

Passage 4

36. The underline sentencePara. 1most probably shows that the court

[C] was contemptuous of McDonnell’s conduct.

37、According to Paragraph 4, an official act is deemed corruptive only if it involves

[C] leaking secrets intentionally.

38、The court’s ruling is based on the assumption that public officials are

[A] allowed to focus on the concerns of their supporters.

39、Well-enforced laws in government transparency are needed to

[B] guarantee fair play in official access.

40、The author’s toward the court’s ruling is

[D] supportive

Part B参考答案:

41、F (Dickens was born in Portsmouth, ……)

42、E (Soon after his father’s release from prison,…..)

43、A (The first published sketch, …..)

44、C(Soon after Sketches by Boz appeared, ….)

45、G (After Pickwick, Dickens plunged into…..)







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